My seven from 2017 Goodreads post

Fave reads of 2017 from my post on Goodreads
I loved these books. I hope you will, too.

1. The Horn Series (Oathbreaker, Original, Overseer) by J. Kathleen Cheney.
Migod, these books are great. Cheney does a fantastic job of logically mashing up medieval elements with science-fictional themes. There’s great world building, the plots have occasional twists, but the characters are real people and drive it all. These are the sorts of books I will reread over and over again for pleasure. You want these!

2. The Genehunter: The Complete Casebook by Simon Kewin (Stormcrow Books). Noir detective fiction in a believable future where genetic code is worth money. Fantastic read. (And it’s only 99 cents right now!)

3. Walking on the Sea of Clouds, by Gray Rinehart (Wordfire Press) Fans of The Martian will want to read this book, which is as close to living on the moon yourself as you’ll ever get. Hyper-realistic, up to and including the financial aspects, but the characters drive the story.

4. Another Girl, Another Planet by Lou Antonelli (Word Fire Press) Larry Niven blurbed the book; he said it was great ideas, well told. He was right. If they don’t make this into a blockbuster movie, they’re nuts. You’ll love it.

5. fragment: a novel by Craig Russell (Thistledown Press) Save the whales? How about the whales and we learn inter-species communications, and we both face a common threat together? The posited peril is several hundred sq miles of the Ross Ice Shelf that break off, threatening whales with places they cannot surface to breathe, and humans on places like the Falklands with being scraped off the land by the juggernaut. It gets much further north than you’d believe. Fantastic book.

6. Angel Keep (Where Angels Die, Book 1) by Tom Simon (Bondwine Books)
This series will be so much fun! In Book one, we learn of a land where demons have brought eternal winter wherever they posses folks, and merely jump to another when their poor hosts are killed. Knights that are also exorcists are required, and there are not enough to go around. And the exorcism is usually fatal unless an “Angel”–a woman skilled in restoring their souls, immediately helps them. The personalities, the world-building, the battle scenes…this is the best and most original sword-and-sorcery tale I’ve read in ages. And there is more coming!

7. The Books of Unexpected Enlightenment by Jagi Lamplighter (Wisecraft Publishing) I hope the Harry Potter and The Hunger Games series cured us all of thinking young adult novels are beneath us. This series is great, and the 4th book came out in 2017. In the most recent installment we follow Rachel Griffin, a girl going to a school of the magical arts in the upper Hudson river valley, on even more adventures. Her photographic memory means all spells involving veils and obfuscations disappear if she pays attention. But what she sees in book 4 –that no one else can see–is her greatest and most frightening challenge yet. The books are charming, sort of like Supernatural goes to Hogwarts. Give ’em a try.