Book designer: Susan H. Roddey

“Hell Week” is supposedly when the freshman class comes into a military college and the upperclassmen push around the plebes. Not so; for me it was the week I took a serious stab at designing my own book interiors, trying to learn new software and getting hopelessly lost.

Bottom line? These people earn their money and I will gladly pay them to do their job. Take my book. Please.

Enter Susan H. Roddey of Clicking Keys. She was recommended to me by John G. Hartness (how could I NOT take the advice of the author of Bubba The Monster Hunter?)

She did the job in record time, asking me the important questions in advance–like did I want all chapters to start on the right-hand page, and how to format the front matter–and added such wonderful touches as a lovely font for the title page and a scene break button that fit the tone of the story.

Here is her title font for the print version: 

She matched the cover font. Bravo.



And below is a picture of the scene break button: a caution sign. Very appropriate! 





I’ll be using her for all future projects. Thanks, Susan!