It’s been a week. My word count is shot.
Ever since last Friday we’ve had the disruption of people working on our house. They plastic-tented all the furniture and floors in the hall, living room, and dining room (where I work at present). Note: this tenting happens every day they are here, and the cats are frantic about it.Then they wetted and scraped off our “popcorn” ceiling texture, which covered a really bad tape-and-spackle job. Cleanup was a beast and I ended up getting a mess splotted onto my open laptop from the dining room ceiling fixture. My computer is fine, but it took a while to get my heart out of my throat.
Monday the contractor was elsewhere; Tuesday they spackled the ceiling and sanded any rough spots. Wednesday they primed the ceilings and spackled the walls. Thursday they sanded the ceiling and any places needing it on the walls (the dust!!!), painted the ceiling, and did touch-ups on the spackle (some of the badly taped joints needed three goes). Today, hopefully, the walls will get painted. I assume this will bleed into next week while they paint the window & door moldings and baseboards.
Here is part of the “before” – a water stain from the hurricane last autumn. We’ve replaced the roof since then, because homeownership is fun!
And here is where we are so far on the “after.” Same area. MUCH better.
The walls will be painted the same color as the kitchen, “Safari Map” by Valspar, found at Ace Hardware: a nice, pastel tan. It’s shown below.
I sincerely hope the results will be worth all this effort.