Do you have your copy yet? Buy it here: on sale for 99 cents.
My short story, “Grade Level,” sold to Manawaker Studios, and the podcast of them reading it is now available. Click to listen!
Today’s keyword is “dry.” 99 cents this week on Kindle; buy it here: Link.
It looks like I won’t get to wear my robe this morning.
Here is my most recent article at Authors Publish: “How to Write a Novel Synopsis.”
There’s been a lot written on the subject of writing a synopsis, and I may suggest doing certain things a little differently, but the experts all agree on one thing: finish the book first.
So. Are we done writing the book? Good. Now how do you boil down from 70K to 300K words into a page or two? It’s a little time consuming, but it’s not as hard as it sounds. As long as you know who your main character or characters are, and what the main conflict in the book is, you’re good… (click to read entire article)
Back from my first ConGregate and I really enjoyed it. Erudition and wit will re-commence shortly. But first, some photos:
Here I am getting ready for my first panel. FWIW my hair is now long enough I can style it into a chignon.
And here’s the first panel:
I fell in love with this Mary Poppins hat in the dealer’s room…
…but had nowhere to wear it. Still, I had to try it on.
Obligatory hall costumes shot!
Here I am helping to run the Allen Wold Regionally Famous Writers Workshop. Poor Allen was made to wear a sign the advertised his unpopular opinion, that, “…blood does not taste like copper; blood tastes like blood!” in vampire books, etc.
Hey, I didn’t make the sign.
Tera Fullbright, the programming director for ConGregate, heard great things about my writing workshop at RavenCon and wants me to come back next year and present it. Whoot!
I just sold a poem to The Author’s Journal of Inventive Literature. Details to follow.
My new books I am working on:
Recent editing-for-others projects:
By the way, I have 14 stories and poems out on submission.
Back-burnered projects:
As Julie Czerneda always says, #Love my life.
This week’s #Bookqw keyword was “find.” Find my book on Amazon.
Happy 4th of July to my American friends and fans!